ISBN: 9789830653013
Author: Shamshad A. Usmani
Publisher: A.S. Noordeen (2010)
Pages: 78 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Belief in God is universal despite various interpretations of God’s will. Devine revelations to prophets of God reflect the Will of God. Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet of God and hence the divine relations to him as recorded in the Quran are the best guide to truth.
Most or our grown children and young adults have faith in God as a result of religious education at home or in school and colleges but they often take long to refer to God’s Will relating to specific areas of human life in the Quran for day to day guidance.
In order to facilitate prompt reference to Quran for day to day guidance, I have identified verses in the Quran relating to specific areas of human life for easy approach.
The text of the verses has been taken from the English translation of the Quran by A. Yusuf Ali.
Shamshad A. Usmani