ISBN: 9781936157020
Author: Ibrahim Madani
Publisher: Madania Publications (2010)
Pages: 46 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Like the QurĈan, the preservation of the traditions and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad [pbuh], the hadith, for fourteen centuries is another unsung miracle of Islam. It is important to recognize the long journey the hadith of the Blessed Prophet [pbuh] have made through the passage of time and how they have been protected against the perverting hands of distorters, corrupters, and mistake prone narrators.
In this short treatise, the author, Shaikh Ibrahim Madani, has simplified much of the information found only in the larger texts on the science of hadith. In addition, he highlights the authority of hadith in Islam and how they were preserved. This book is an excellent start for those who wish to gain a basic understanding of this subject, but cannot invest the time or means to do so.