A Lighthouse of Knowledge from a Guardian of Sunnah : Books 1 and 2 : Regarding Unity, Advice, Brotherhood and the Call to Allaah and The Connection with the People of Knowledge, Current Affairs, and Issues of Methodology (Sheikh Rabee al Madkhalee)
ISBN: 9781448605460
Author: Sheikh Rabee Ibn Haadee Umair al Madkhalee; Abu Sukhailah Khalil Ibn Abelahyi al Amreekee (translator, compiler)
Publisher: Taalib al-Ilm Educational Resources (2010)
Pages: 344 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
This book discusses numerous issues- an examination of the recognized and rejected sources of Islam, the knowledge based interpretation of current events, the methodology of achieving unity and resolving differences, the definition of what is extremism as well as what is negligence in regard to this religion, the true road to revival and honor through the clarification of what truly is Islam, through the words and writings of Sheikh Rabee'a al-Madkhalee, as well as those of others regarding him which give us additional insight into his efforts, works, struggle, and life as one of the acknowledged defenders of the Sunnah of our age.