ISBN: 9781590080603
Author: Dr. Gohar Mushtaq
Publisher: Amana Publications (2010)
Pages: 176 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
The book Islam – Its Beauty & Wisdom is a novel presentation of Islam, interweaving traditional Islamic material with well-documented contemporary research from the physical and behavioral sciences. This book provides an understanding of the wisdom of Islamic teachings from a religious-scientific perspective. This is a refreshingly different approach to a classic subject of the wisdom behind Islamic acts of worship. It has meanings and relevance to both Muslim and non-Muslim readers.
About the Author
GOHAR MUSHTAQ received his PhD degree in 2001 from Rutgers University of New Jersey, specializing in the field of Biochemistry & Biophysical Chemistry. From his childhood, he received a thorough Islamic education from his father. Throughout his college and university education, he continued studying the classical Islamic sciences privately from various Islamic teachers. Dr. Mushtaq frequently delivers Friday khutbahs and lectures at various mosques and Islamic centers in the U.S. He contributes articles to both English and Urdu Islamic magazines and is the author of books on Islam, most popular of which is “The Intelligent Heart, The Pure Heart: An insight into the Heart based on the Qur’an, Sunnah and Modern Science” (Ta-Ha Publishers, U.K.)