ISBN: 9781847740090
Author: Musharraf Hussain
Publisher: Kube Publishing (2009)
Pages: 100 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
How do we develop a good understanding of right and wrong?How do we change ourselves so that we can live by the universal moral values of Islam?This straightforward guide tells us how to do this in seven steps including:-
Self-motivationRealizing that we need to changeThat change is possible for usSelf-examinationSelf-controlHow to go about changing ourselves, and monitoring our progress
Based on the teachings of Imam al-Ghazali and upon years of practical experience in teaching young Muslims, Dr Musharraf Hussain has given us a contemporary and accessible way to understand and apply Islamic teachings to character building.Dr Musharraf Hussain is an Imam and Chairman of governors of an Islamic School; he studied biochemistry and Islam under Justice Pir Muhammad Karam and later at Azhar University, Cairo. Dr Hussain was a member of the Muslim Council of Britain mission aimed at securing the release of hostages in Baghdad.
About Imam Ghazali
Abu Hamid Muhammad, famous in the world of learning as al-Ghazzal was born in 450 AH (1058 A.D). in Persia . He graduated from the Nizamia Madressa at Nishapur, with distinction, a very famous educational institution in Nishapur. Later he was appointed as a teacher at the Nizamia College in Baghdad, where he proved very successful in imparting knowledge to the scholars under his care. This valuable gift of sustaining interest of his pupils and passing on his knowledge to them made him so famous that students from all parts of the country flocked to study under him.
Imam al-Ghazzali was fondly referred to as the "Hujjat-ul-lslam", Proof of Islam; He is honored as a scholar and a saint by learned men all over the world.
Al-Ghazali is generally acclaimed as the most influential thinker of the Classical period of Islam, in his autobiography The Deliverance from Error, the Imam describes his education and his intellectual crisis, which left him so paralyzed by doubt that he he gave up his academic pursuits and worldly interests and became a wandering ascetic. This was a process (period) of mystical transformation. Later, he resumed his teaching duties, but again left these. An era of solitary life, devoted to contemplation and writing then ensued, which led to the authorship of a number of everlasting books (Many of which have been translated in English) . Imam al-Ghazzali's life was spent in self-sacrificing service of God and his fellowmen. He left behind him a fine example for all men to follow. He died in 505 AH.