Publisher/Manufacturer: Meccacentric Da'Wah Group
Product specifications: DVD - Approximate Running Time 1 Hour
Item type: DVD
Product description:
Every Muslim acknowledges that Prophet Muhammad (P) was sent as "a mercy to all the worlds". Yet many Muslims fall short in exhibiting the quality of mercy in their lives. There seems to be a disconnect between the theoretical teachings of Islam and their practical application in daily life. Mokhtar Maghraoui attempts to fuse theory and practice in this lecture by relating several examples of mercy and kindness in the Prophet's life. What follows is a comprehensive overview of the concept of rahmah (love, compassion and mercy) in Islam that includes: Allah's rahmah to His creation, rahmah that is conveyed in the sunnah to be shared between Muslims, between Muslim and non-Muslim, and between the Muslim and the natural creation such as animals. A wonderfully refreshing lecture and a great message to Muslim extremists or anyone subscribing to the notion that all Muslims are terrorists