Publisher/Manufacturer: Aydin Mensucat or other
Product specifications: Large style Prayer Rug
Item type: Large style Prayer Rug
Product description:
This 43" x 82" (110 cm x 210 cm) large style prayer rug is great when you want to put prayer rugs down for group or groups of people. Each rug easily handles 3 or 4 worshippers. (5 if they are slim and skinny). Constructed of very high quality by artisans from Turkey. Aka large size prayer mat. Good for home, schools, musallas, small mosques (masajid, masjid), and more.
Made in Turkey.
Note that these rugs are supplied to us in a random, non-uniform fashion; thus, it is well neigh impossible to order a specific color or design scheme usually. We'll try our best to always provide a good-looking design and color, but we cannot guarantee color nor design. (If you desire a specific design, such as makkah/madinah mosque, or no-mosque floral design, indicate in the notes of your order).