Publisher/Manufacturer: Meccacentric Da'Wah Group (2007)
Product specifications: DVD approximate running time 1 Hours and 30 minutes
Item type: Lecture DVD
Product description:
An interesting commentary about "Islam in the West" by a very respected and knowledgeable non-Muslim author and professor. His survey of the Muslim community details the post-Iranian Revolution interest in Islam and the resulting challenges of a perceived "clash" of civilizations. The speaker shares his many observations of the Muslim ummah such as its relationship with the Christian community, "Americanization" of Muslims in the West and the "Muslim Couch-Potato Syndrome". He also summarizes the challenges faced by Western governments and Islamic activists in the 21st Century.
Other topics discussed: The immigrant Jewish community as an example, knowing your own faith and the faith of others, the Israel-Palestine issue, building institutions before the crisis, fanaticism as a stumbling block, foreign Muslim views of American Muslims, suggestions for non-Muslims reading the Qur'an, prejudice and ignorance of the hijab, the Nation of Islam as an impetus of interest, tyrant leaders as a symbol of their country, confusion when comparing religions, and the problem of democracy and foreign policy.