Publisher/Manufacturer: Meccacentric Da'Wah Group (2007)
Product specifications: DVD approximate running time 1 Hours and 30 minutes
Item type: Lecture DVD
Product description:
The Islamic perspective on this very popular topic reveals pertinent information that can help Muslims in leading a life of peace and tranquility in the home. What are some practical ways in which we can establish a marriage that is successful and pleasing to Allah? At a Florida retreat Alpha-Him Jobe, the late imam from New York, answers this question and addresses many issues of importance such as taqwa, justice, respect, wealth, beauty, prestige, character, honorable intention, assessment, preparation, maturity, compatibility, reasonable dowry, good will, love, compassion and leadership.
The speaker's knowledge, wit and engaging style result in a talk that can be enjoyed by both married couples and those seeking to get married. Other topics discussed: the families, pregnancy, marriage by choice not by force, seeing each other before marriage, marriage completing half the faith, the wife helping in the support of the household, and the wife working even if the husband can support the household. (Duration: 1 hour, 8 min) Alpha-Him Jobe was widely known for his taqwa, humility, knowledge and wisdom. Born in Gambia, he was educated at Ummul Qura University in Saudi Arabia. He passed away in a car accident in 1997. Actively aiding communities across America, his work will continue to inspire Muslims and non-Muslims alike, God-willing.