Yusuf : Exploring the Chapter of Joseph in the Holy Qur'an (RBG Audio) 4 Audio CD set (Dr. Hesham Al-Awadi)
Publisher/Manufacturer: Rivers Beneath Gardens (RBG) Audio
Product specifications: 4 Audio CD Set in Jewel Case
Item type: Audio Lecture
Product description:
The acme of all Quranic stories with regard to its topical unity, its artistic appeal and the lessons that lie therein. Many of the great scholars and commentators have written entire books on this chapter of the Quran often becoming handbooks that shaped spiritual training programmes for centuries. The chapter of Yusuf presents for us a divine manual for those in pursuit of success in this life and the next. This 4 CD Audio set is perfect for all who wish to have a better understanding of how the Quran applies to their daily lives.
Listen to a previous lecture by Dr. Al-Awadi --