Publisher/Manufacturer: Meccacentric Da'Wah Group (2007)
Product specifications: DVD approximate running time 1 Hours and 45 minutes
Item type: Lecture DVD
Product description:
One of the most intelligent and motivating lectures by this well-known imam, the basic message he delivers is both forthright and self-reflective. A "must-see" for all those who claim that Islam is the solution for the problems of the world. Imam Siraj's approach may be surprising to many but, if understood properly, this lecture can serve as a profound wake-up call not only for non-Muslims, but for Muslims themselves. Follow his logic as the imam identifies the one main problem that is at the root of America's social, moral, and spiritual problems and why Islam is, indeed, the final solution.Other topics discussed: Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, da'wah in America, dating in Islam/facilitating marriage, unity, and men and women shaking hands.