Publisher/Manufacturer: Meccacentric Da'Wah Group (2007)
Product specifications: DVD approximate running time 2 Hours and 45 minutes
Item type: Lecture DVD
Product description:
Rasha al-Disuqi begins this panel by analyzing the Muslim woman's goal here in the United States. Comparing this goal with that of the secular feminist movement here, she provides an overview of the rights granted to Muslim women so that people can recognize the benefits to society when these rights are applied. Theoretically Muslim women have the rights, but few know exactly what to do with them. The speaker provides a fresh perspective on this very important subject by looking at seven main rights that Islam affords to women in the context of modern-day American society. These rights are as follows: the right of vicegerency, the right to live, the right to financial support, the right to an education, the right to legal testimony and inheritance, the right to being treated kindly, and the right to representation on the board of a masjid. In discussing these rights, she covers many issues that are very often misunderstood, not only by non-Muslims, but by Muslims themselves such as the responsibility of da'wah, women's voice as "aurah" (a type of nakedness), the hadith that speaks about deficiency in women, the degree of men over women, and the Muslim woman's participation in society.The second speaker, Aminah Assilmi, tackles the misconceptions pertaining to Muslim women in American society and explains that if Muslims want to have an impact on people and make a change, they have to take seriously how they relate to people and how the teachings of Islam are explained to them. The main misconceptions she covers are wife-beating, polygamy, and the hijab (head covering).Other topics discussed by both speakers: different roles of men and women, women reciting the Qur'an in public, women wearing the hijab with tight clothes, women as politicians, women going outside the home for leisure, and the often misunderstood hadith (prophetic saying) about women in hell.