Publisher/Manufacturer: Meccacentric Da'Wah Group (2007)
Product specifications: DVD approximate running time 1 Hours and 30 minutes
Item type: Lecture DVD
Product description:
This is an important lecture given on the campus of Iowa State University that takes a look at the situation facing the various religious communities in the post 9-11 world. The speaker begins by outlining how September 11th completely changed things for Muslims. He then emphasizes that we no longer have the luxury of not knowing one another. Jews, Christians, and Muslims must take the responsibility of educating themselves about one another. We also must learn to respect each other. We must now take the initiative to interact with one another, to engage each other in dialogue, to visit each other's place of worship, etc. Religious communities must learn to accept each other as believers in the One God who are all striving for the betterment of humanity. To illustrate these points, the speaker relays and then comments on several relevant verses from the Holy Qur'an that speaks of respect and virtuous conduct. Brother Ako also looks at the challenges within the Muslim community such as respecting women's right and ability to speak about Islam and the issue of not really understanding each other's culture. A great talk for both Muslims and non-Muslims.Other topics discussed: Religious communities must sit down and work things out, Muslims must collaborate with other existing organizations, and how to respond to those who mock Islam and Muslims.