Publisher/Manufacturer: Meccacentric Da'Wah Group (2007)
Product specifications: DVD approximate running time 2 Hours and 15 minutes
Item type: DVD
Product description:
This lecture that looks at the climate of fear and conditions of prejudice that has been brought upon the Muslim community as a result of September 11th. Imam Siraj Wahhaj implores the Muslim community to seize the opportunity of a willingness to dialogue in order to educate others about the truth of Islam. The Muslim community seems to be dormant and needs to wake up to the world around it. The Muslim world is under tremendous scrutiny and must understand this and live up to the Muslim name. He continues by saying that Muslims must be more than just advocates of peace; they must be examples of peace. And while we must advocate and exude peacefulness, we must also speak out against injustices. We cannot sit back and ignore injustices perpetrated against us. In conclusion, Muslims must put forth the best example in a post September 11th world so that others will see it and come to a better understanding of Islam.