Publisher/Manufacturer: Zaytuna Institute (2007)
Product specifications: Lectures on CD
Item type: Audio CDs in Clear "Jewel" Type Case/Box
Product description:
In this special, three-part lecture series, Imam Zaid focuses on providing essential advice for Muslims striving to hold strong to their faith in today's context. Each individual lecture provides practical guidance and insights in light of the unique dynamics and diverse challenges facing Muslim men, women, and youth in modern society. Drawing from a number of sources, including the Qur'an, hadith, sayings of the great scholars, and even the US Army Survival Guide, Imam Zaid emphasizesthe importance of sincere commitment to being a Muslim, personal and spiritual development, and understanding the dynamics of our time.
LECTURE 1 (Disc 1A & 1B)
LECTURE 2 (Disc 2A and 2B)
LECTURE 3 (Disc 3A and 3B)