Publisher/Manufacturer: Kube Publishing Ltd
Product description:
In simple and easy to understand language along with stunning, full colour illustrations it takes the reader from preparing to go for Hajj to the actual acts of Hajj and the intentions behind them. It also features facts about Hajj and Umrah and common questions children may ask, such as: why do Muslims go on Hajj and Umrah?
Biographical Note:Sara Khan was born in Stuttgart, Germany, before moving to the UK at the age of 12. Fluent in German, Arabic and Urdu, Sara is both a bestselling author and qualified translator. She holds a first-class BA (hons) in Linguistics and Arabic, as well as a MA in Translation and Interpreting Studies both from the University of Manchester. As part of her degree, Sara lived in Amman, Jordan, with her husband Naveed, and studied Arabic at the University of Jordan. Living in Jordan enabled them to travel across the Middle East and experience numerous Muslim cultures, traditions, and historic sites in places such as Cairo, Damascus, Jerusalem, Madinah and Makkah. Her postgraduate research focused on Qur'an translation and adaptation for children. Now the proud mother of a little girl called Raya, Sara aims to build upon her academic background and personal experience to help fill the gap when it comes to presenting Islam to toddlers and young children in an age-appropriate way.
Review Quotes:"The most beautiful book on Hajj" - @themuslimmamaclub"This book will form the basis of our homeschool intro to Hajj and no doubt inspire a longing to travel there from an early age" -"Another beautiful book added to our collection by Sara Khan. As an artist, I'm in awe of her children's books and my kids love them" - Farrah Azam"There is so much covered in this small but mighty book. I don't say this lightly but honestly one of the best children's board books related to Hajj" - Eva @letslearnmama"A perfectly simple yet beautiful book introducing the concept of Hajj" - @homemadeteacher