ISBN: 9798218377748
Author: Anwar Wright
Publisher: Authentic Statements (2024)
Pages: 94 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Before the reader is a compilation of some brief words concerning the ruling of gang affiliations in light of the Qur'an and Sunnah.
What prompted me to compile this book is what has been observed of the proliferation of Muslims who ascribe to gangs, whether the Bloods, Crips, The Black Gangster Disciples, Latin Kings, etc., inside and outside of prison.
Also, what is observed from many Muslim youth of un-Islamic allegiances to blocks, streets, and neighborhoods due to the drill music genre and culture.
These affiliations of their various types have been a cause from many Muslims, young and old, to stray from the straight path of Allah (al-Siraat al-Mustaqim), to commit violence in the name of those allegiances, and many times they have caused discord i nthe ranks of the Muslims, especially in prison.
For these reasons, I have decided to compile this book for the purpose of clarity, guidance, and advice to those involved in such affiliations.
The Prophet (?) stated in an authentic hadeeth:
“The religion is sincere advice, the religion is sincere advice, the religtion is sincere advice.” They said, “to whom O Messenger of Allaah?” He said: “To Allaah, His Book, His Messenger, to the leaders over the Muslims, and to the general folk [among them].”
I ask Allaah (????????? ???????????) to grant us all sinccerity in the Religion, and make us from those who when they hear the reminder, they follow the best thereof.