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Devotion in Prayer : A New Vision and Practical Guide (Dr. Ragheb Elsergany)

Devotion in Prayer : A New Vision and Practical Guide (Dr. Ragheb Elsergany)

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ISBN: 9780976862970
Author: Dr. Ragheb Elsergany
Publisher: History Revival Foundation (2024)
Pages: 418 Binding: Paperback

Description from the publisher:

The lack of reverence [khushi] in prayer has become a widespread phenomenon. Despite the well-known methods of achieving khushu methods in the Sunnah of the Prophet, rarely do we find a Muslim who is satisfied with his khushi in his prayer. In this book, we present a new theory, the theory of the pyramid of khushu, which consists of five levels, and which aims to gradually elevate the worshiper until he reaches a complete peace of mind in his prayer. This theory is implementable, practical, and based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah.


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