ISBN: 9781847742322
Author: Abeer Arain
Publisher: Kube Publishing Ltd. (2024)
Pages: 100Paperback Binding: Paperback 0.4" H x 4.7" L x 3.5"
Our existence in this world is like that of a tree. The trunk is the main body that symbolizes our connection with our Creator, and the scattered branches are the life issues that revolve around us. If the trunk suffers from an imbalance, the entire tree feels the effect. The same goes for our connection with Allah. If not careful, one may easily fall into the trap of ghaflah (heedlessness) and lose the important attribute of taqwā, the consciousness of Allah. The best way to improve our connection is by adopting the supplications of the Prophet (pbuh) in our daily tasks. "Stay Connected: A Pocket Guide of Prayers for Muslims" is a short guidebook for working Muslims on how to reroute the compass of their heart towards Allah on a busy day. May it motivate the reader to take a step towards improving their connection with Allah and gain His pleasure.
About the Author --
Abeer Arain, MD, MPH is a physician, writer, and avid gardener. Originally from Pakistan, born and raised in Saudi Arabia, and currently living in the Idaho panhandle, United States. She writes about nature and Islam, self-care, and anything that could become a source of Sadaqa Jariyah (ever-lasting charity) for her. When not practicing medicine or working on her next book, she can be found hiking in the forest, exploring the backcountry and the National Parks, planning her next trip, or browsing her local bookstores.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Waking Up in the Morning
- Du[a' upon waking
- Entering the bathroom and performing wudu'
- Praying Tahajjud
- After Fajr dhikr and Qur'an
Chapter 2: Having a Meal
- Following the Sunnah when having a meal
Chapter 3: Going to Work
- Choosing an outfit
- Reciting the dhikr whilst driving or walking to work
Chapter 4: At the Workplace
- Interaction with co-workers and greeting people
- Avoiding gossip
- Remembering Allah during work hours
- Dealing with stress at work
- When the work schedule is busy
Chapter 5: Arriving Home
- Entering the home
- Interacting with family
- Dhikr of Allah at home
- The evening meal
Chapter 6: Ending the Day
- Retiring at night
- Going to bed
Chapter 7: Other Events
- Shopping in the era of consumerism
- Doctor's appointment
- Gatherings with family and friends
Chapter 8: Staying Connected to Allah as a Homemaker