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Treatises of Imam al-Ghazali (5 Volume Box Set)

Treatises of Imam al-Ghazali (5 Volume Box Set)

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ISBN: 9781939256232
Author: Abu Hamid al-Ghazali; Khalid Williams (translator); Dr. Muhammed Isa Waley (editor)
Publisher: Ihya Publishing (2024)
Pages: 1238 Binding: Hardcover

Description from the publisher:

This is the first-ever comprehensive collection of Imam al-Ghazali's shorter treatises in a 5-volume box set.

The box set includes the following 5 volumes:

1. Advice from Imam al-Ghazali
2. Imam al-Ghazali on Sufism
3. Imam al-Ghazali on Cosmology
4. Imam al-Ghazali on Truth
5. Imam al-Ghazali on Knowledge

Volume 1 - Advice from Imam al-Ghazali

Advice From Imam al-Ghazali comprises those of the author's treatises that share a common theme of advice for the reader in matters of religious doctrine and praxis, as well as secular concerns.

  • The Beginning of Guidance (Bidāyat al-hidāya)
  • Counsels to a Dear Brother (al-Risāla al-Waʿẓiyya)
  • Good Conduct and Manners in Islam (al-Adab fī al-Dīn)
  • The Ten Precepts (al-Qawā‘id al-‘Ashr)
  • The Delusions of Mankind (Al-Kashf wal-tabyīn fī ghurūr al-khalq ajmaʿīn)
  • Dear Son (Ayyuhā al-Walad)

    Volume 2 - Imam al-Ghazali on Sufism

    Imam al-Ghazali on Sufism comprises the treatises in which Sufism, the purification of the soul, and the inward journey to God through the methods described by Muslim mystics, and gnosis, or direct cognition of God is the most prominent theme of the text.

  • The Alchemy of Happiness (Kīmiyā’ al-sa‘āda)
  • The Way of the Gnostics (Minhāj al-‘Ārifīn)
  • The Meadow of Seekers (Rawḍat al-ṭālibīn)
  • The Niche of Lights (Mishkat al-Anwar)

    Volume 3 - Imam al-Ghazali on Cosmology

    Imam al-Ghazali on Cosmology comprises the treatises whose main themes are cosmology, the wonders of creation as spiritual allegory and a means for knowing God, and eschatology.

  • The Wisdom in God's Creations (al-Ḥikma fī makhlūqāt Allāh)
  • Epistle of the Birds (Risālat al-Ṭayr)
  • Imam Ghazali on Cosmological Questions (al-Ajwiba al-Ghazāliyya fī al-masāʾil al-ukhrawiyya)
  • The Sumptuous Pearl (Al-Durra al-Fākhira)

    Volume 4 - Imam al-Ghazali on Truth

    Imam al-Ghazali on Truth comprises the treatises that are most concerned with the nature of truth, the degree to which human beings can identify it, and the means by which they may seek it.

  • Deliverance From Error (al-Munqidh min al-ḍalāl)
  • The Just Balance (Al-Qisṭās al-Mustaqīm)
  • Knowledge to be Withheld from the Unqualified (al-Maḍnūn bih ʿalā ghayr ahlih)
  • The Criterion of Distinction (Fayṣal al-Tafriqa)

    Volume 5 - Imam al-Ghazali on Knowledge

    Imam al-Ghazali on Knowledge comprises the treatises that are most concerned with the subject of knowledge: its differing levels, the means by which it is sought, its functions, and its benefits as well as its dangers.

  • God-Given Knowledge (al-Risāla al-Laduniyya)
  • The Ascensions of the Travelers (Ma‘ārij al-Sālikīn)
  • The Rules of Interpretation (Qānūn al-Taʾwīl)
  • Protection of the Masses from Theology (Iljām al-‘Awāmm)

    About the Translator:

    Khalid Williams studied Arabic and Islamic studies at the University of Leeds, graduating in 2005, and then moved to Morocco to continue his study of traditional Islamic sciences and spirituality in Salé, Fes, Oujda and Nador.

    He began working in translation in 2006, with an emphasis on Islamic Studies and Sufism. His previous translations include Our Master Muhammad by Imam Abdallah Siraj al-Din, Muhammad the Perfect Man by Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki, Treatises of Imam al-Ghazālī by Imam al-Ghazali, and The Qur’an and the Prophet in the Writings of Shaykh Ahmad al-Alawi.

    About the Editor:

    With a detail-oriented and scholarly approach, Dr. Muhammad Isa Waley has brought his immense expertise to bear in meticulously editing this 5-volume collection of treatises by Imam al-Ghazali. His illustrious career spans 45 years, during which he curated Persian and Turkish works, first at the esteemed British Museum and later at the British Library in London.

    Dr. Waley has devoted himself to the curation and preservation of numerous significant Islamic works, bringing them to light with utmost precision and respect. This remarkable journey of dedication finds a rich testimony in this endeavor, where he has expertly edited this comprehensive 5-volume collection.

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