ISBN: 978-1684895830
Author: Shaykh 'Abdur Rahman bin Nasir as-S'adi
Publisher: Maktabatul-Irshad Publications
Pages: 213 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
This book has contended with, challenged, and debunked the arguments of the multi-faceted forms of atheism. It exposes the contradiction of their argument to reason, the natural disposition, and wisdom in the same way they are in opposition with all the sound religions. The book addresses their arguments from various angles. It sometimes offers a realistically clear portrayal of their arguments enough to rebut them because of no more than such portrayal. In other instances, the book offers conclusive evidence on the invalidity of the canons of atheism, exposing them for the weakness that runs through them while elucidating the truth standing in opposition to those principles.