I Am Proud To Be Muslim: Forty Selected Gems To Create A Powerful Portrayal of Real Islam (V. Abdur Rahim)
ISBN: 9781872531564
Author: V. Abdur Rahim
Publisher: UK Islamic Academy (2018)
Pages: 109 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Innumerable are the beauties of Islam a Muslim can be proud of, but some of these beauties of islam though important in themselves do not get highlighted enough in a holistic approach to islam. Hence the need to highlight them specially now when the benign and humane teachings of islam need to be presented in away which is not only acceptable to the new generation but also is attractive to them. Forty beautiful aspects of Islamic teachings pertaining to different walks of life have been dealt with in this short book. It is hoped that it will succeed in enthusing the reader with a sense of pride in the teachings of islam and its great contribution to human civilization and culture.