Explanation Of The Poem: Manhaj Al-Haqq Concerning Aqidah And Islamic Moral Conduct (Abdur Rahman As-Sa'di)
ISBN: 9781649705051
Author: Abdur Rahman As-Sa'di
Publisher: Maktabatul-Irshad Publications(2020)
Pages: 269 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
He established tremendous meanings, lofty facts, and beneficial details that every Muslim cannot do without. The author did not give this poetry this name himself; instead, this name was taken from his statement in the beginning: “Oh one asking about the Manhaj al-Haqq (the right methodology). He began it by encouraging the one who hopes for happiness and seeks out success in this life and the Hereafter, that one contemplates what this poem contains much good, in the right manner. Allāh had made easy the obtainment of two manuscripts for this poem. The Shaykh’s grandchildren sent them to me.