Explanation of the Hadith of Jibril About the Teachings of Islam (Al Allamah Abd al-Muhsin Ibn Hamad al-Abbad) Revised Second Edition
ISBN: 9781939833105
Author: Al Allamah Abd al-Muhsin Ibn Hamad al-Abbad; Maaz Qureshi (translator)
Publisher: Sunnah Publishing (2020)
Pages: 184 Binding: Paperback
The book before you – noble reader – is a detailed explanation of the famous hadith of Jibril, at the end of which, the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “This was Jibril, he came to you in order to teach you your Religion.” Due to the many benefits contained within this book, the Muhaddith of al-Madinah, Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-‘Abbad – may Allah preserve him – decided to write a book dedicated solely to the treasures found in this hadith. The Scholars of the past have mentioned the comprehensive nature of this hadith in various places:
So al-Qadi ‘Iyad (d.544H) said, “Indeed, this hadith comprises an explanation of al the acts of worship, the outward ones and the inward ones, from the tenets of Iman, the actions of the limbs and the sincerity of the souls and it cautions against the harmful actions; to the extent that all of the Shari’ah sciences refer back to it and branch out from it..”
And al-Qurtubi (d.671H) said, “This hadith deserves to be called Ummus-Sunnah (mother of the Sunnah), due to what it contains from comprehensive knowledge of the Sunnah.”
The Connection between the categories of TawheedWhat follows are excerpts from the recommended book, Explanation of the Hadith of Jibril About the Teachings of Islam by Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-’Abbad, Sunnah Publishing:
“…And the testimony that none has the right to be worshipped besides Allah means that there is none worthy of worship in truth besides Allah. And the kalimatul-ikhlas (statement of sincerity of worship) comprises two pillars: a general negation in its beginning and a specific affirmation at its end. So in the beginning of it, there is a negation of worshipping anything other than Allah. And at the end of it there is an affirmation for the worship of Allah alone without any associate. And the predicate ‘la’ (no) negates everything in the category whose implication is ‘haqq’ (truth) and it is not correct to negate everything that is in existence (mawjud), because there are false gods in existence and they are many. It is only a negation of true uluhiyyah (divinity) because it has negated everything besides Allah and it has affirmed worship for Allah alone.”