ISBN: 9781909460065
Author: Shaykh Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghudda
Publisher: Visions of Reality Press (2016)
Binding: Paperback Description from the publisher:
Isnad or chain of transmission – is a unique distinction of the Muslim Ummah; it is the means by which Muslims have verified the authenticity of religious texts (especially hadith literature) from the first generations of Islam.In this brilliant risala Shaykh Abu Ghudda shows the breadth and depth of his learning by taking a traditional Islamic saying about isnad and showing the importance of this to be integral to the development and transmission of Islamic teachings. Isnad also plays an important part by which Islamic scholarship was verified and certificates of authorisations (ijazas) would be issued; thus establishing a chain between a scholar and student.‘Isnad is a Part of Islam' will be useful to the ordinary reader as well as the serious student.
An essential read – this edition will benefit all interested in sunna and hadith studies.The AuthorShaykh ?Abd al-Fatta? Abu Ghudda (1917-1997) was a leadingscholar of the traditional Islamic sciences specialising in hadith.He was born in Aleppo; Syria and travelled and taught widelyand was known and respected for his scholarship.