ISBN: 0892590491
Author: Yusuf al-Qaradawi
Publisher: American Trust Publications (2005)
Pages: 64 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Yusuf al-Qaradawi makes an in-depth study of the doctrinal position of Islam toward non-muslims in an Islamic state. But he does not exhaust himself on the expositions of the doctrine: he goes beyond its theoretical formulation; and views the doctrine in its historical context over the centuries. This is not only fair; but also in the best tradition of intellectual probity.
To him; doctrines; constitutions; and laws are held sacrosanct; and are sustained by the common will. That is why he sees the implementation of the Islamic law in the collective conscience of the Muslim people - a conscience shaped by their reverence of the Qur'an and of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad; upon whom be peace. Al-Qaradawi's treatment of the subject os scholarly; yet not pedantic. He discusses all of the issues at length; without encumbering the narrative flow. However; what authenticates him is his commitment to the truth. With the shari'ah as his grundschaft; and the practice of the Muslim people as his witness; he deftly rests his case with the tribunal of history. The end result is highly satisfying work.