ISBN: 0892591560
Author: Hassan Hathout
Publisher: American Trust Publications (ATP)
Pages: 152 Binding: Hardcover
Description from the publisher:
Once in a while a book comes along that can reshape the thinking of the world. One person at a time. 'Reading the Muslim Mind' is just such a book. Dr Hassan Hathout starts out from a simple observation - a lifetime of biculturalism leads him to note that 'Islam in the West is widely known for what it is not.' This encyclopedic personality sets out to guide the reader on a comprehensive tour through Islam. For this voyage; he supplies a keen and lucid anatomy of Islamic life. But more: he provides; with incisive clarity; the inner guidebook; he uncovers the tracing of the mind at work behind the practice; the spirit behind the letter; the rationale and the Ultimate Reason; God.