ISBN: 9789670526331
Author: Saim Kayadibi
Publisher: Islamic Book Trust
Pages: 511 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
In the past couple of decades; interest in Islamic Law has increased in the Muslim world as well as in the non-Muslim world. The popularity of Islamic Banking and Finance has especially triggered scholarly studies in this field since usul al-fiqh is the essence of comprehending the law revealed by the Lawgiver. Despite the number of studies on Islamic Law; works dealing with usul al-fiqh; which specifically focuses on the interpretations of the texts and the methods used by the jurists; are limited especially in the English language. This book; Principles of Islamic Law—The Methods of Interpretation of the Texts (Usul al-Fiqh) is aimed at helping the students; lawyers and other interested people to understand the subject more comprehensively.