ISBN: multiple
Author: Ozkan Oze
Publisher: The Islamic Foundation
Pages: 490 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
The I Wonder series give young readers answers to the BIG questions they have about Islam in brilliant little books. Written in a friendly and accessible style for today's youth; these are essential companions for questioning young minds.
Book 1 - Have you ever wondered about Allah? Have you ever wanted to ask where Allah lives; or why you can't see Him? How He managed to create everything and why all of creation obeys Him. These questions; and many more; are explored inside.
Book 2 - Have you ever wondered about Allah? Have you ever wanted to ask how Allah will bring dead people back to life? Why Allah created the universe or why He made the Earth and humans? These questions; and many more; are explored inside.
The second book in the series that answers some of the cunning questions children ask about God (Allah).
Book 3 - Have you ever wondered what the Prophet Muhammad believed before he became a prophet; why he is so important or why he is praised so often? You might wonder how he treated animals and children or if he performed miracles. All of these questions; and many more; are explored inside.
The third book in the series that answers some of the cunning questions children ask about the Islam.
Why do we need Prophets?Why was the Prophet born in Makkah?What was Muhammad like before he was a Prophet?Who named the Prophet?What is Salawat?Did the Prophet know how to read and write?Why was a person chosen to deliver Allah's message?Did the Prophet Muhammad perform miracles?How did the Prophet treat animals?Did the Prophet like children?Did the Prophet have fun and joke with his friends?What is the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad“If the Prophet lived today would he clean his teeth with miswak (stick toothbrudh) or with a toothbrush?”
Book 4 - Have you ever wondered why the Qur'an is in Arabic; why it was revealed over 23 years or how people can be so sure it has never been changed? These questions; and many more; are explored inside.