The Knowledge Seeker's Guide on the Disbelief of the Rejecter of Tawhid (Shaykh ul-Islam Muhammad Abdul-Wahhab)
ISBN: 9781640088641
Author: Shaykh ul-Islam Mu?ammad Abdul-Wahhab; REVIEWED AND COMMENTED BY: Shaykh Ismail Ibn Mu?ammad Al-Ansari
Publisher: Maktabatul-Irshad
Pages: 109 Binding: Paperback
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From the book:
It is clear that not caring about learning religion is one of the causes of being the worst of creation. If this ignorant man asked about this; what about those who claimed that they follow the Prophets and know their message; and everything is accessible; but he does not care? And when he attends or listens; he will be as mentioned by Allah:
“Comes not to them an admonition (a chapter of the Qur?an) from their Lord as a recent revelation but they listen to it while they play. With their hearts occupied (with evil things).” [Surah Al-Anbiya' 21:2-3]
Also; when the Prophet (May Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) said:
“Allah has sent me;” he replied: with what you have been sent? He said: so and so.”
Thus; it is clear that the essence of Allah's Message and the Prophet's Dawah is the Oneness of Allah (Tawhid); no partners with Him; and destroying idols. It is clear that idols cannot be destroyed but by showing enmity against them and combating them. So; think about the essence of religion. He also understood Tawhid and that it is a great notion. Therefore; he said: “Who has followed you in this?” he replied: “a freeman and a slave;” he said: all the scholars; kings and laypeople were against his opinion; and no one followed his opinion.” This indicates that the truth can be followed by the least amount of people; but falsehood may be followed by many.
Fu?ayl Ibn Iya? (May Allah have mercy on him) said:
“Do not be afraid of the truth for its little followers; and do not be fascinated with the falsehood for its numerous bad successors .“