Author: SHAYKH MUHAMMAD AMAN AL-JAMI; Translator: Raha Batts
Publisher: Authentic Statements Publication
Pages: 104 Binding: Paperback
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Excerpt :
By way of these various means; the Qur'an calls the people to believe in the Sunnah and act upon it; and that it; along with the Qur'an; is [one of] the true foundations of this religion. Since belief in the Messenger ? is a foundation from the foundations of iman; then belief in his Sunnah is a necessary component of iman in him; because he is S?ah?ib as-Sunnah (the Possessor of the Sunnah); and because iman; as Imam Ibn al-Qayyim has defined it; is:
“…a certain reality (emanating) from cognizance of what the Messenger ? came with of knowledge; and affirmation of it; believing in it; affirming it with ones tongue; submitting to it out of love and humility; acting upon it outwardly and inwardly; considering it authoritative; and calling to it in proportion to one's ability.”