Review of Islamic Economics : Journal of the International Association for Islamic Eonomics & the Islamic Foundation) Assorted Editions
Publisher: Journal of the International Association of Islamic Economics and The Islamic Foundation, UK
Pages: 153 Binding: Paperback 6.3" x 9.2" x 0.3"
Description from the publisher:
First published in 1995, this refereedjournal was initially produced annually andis currently published bi-annually in Januaryand July every year. The Review of IslamicEconomics contains surveys, review articles,book reviews and an annotated bibliography ofnewly published books in the field of IslamicEconomics, Banking and Finance. The Journalaims to address the gap between general interestpress and other academic journals on thissubject. It provides a forum to the academicsand practitioners to interact and contributeto the development and promotion of Islamiceconomics on a global stage. The journal aimsto publish articles that will serve several goals:• to synthesize and integrate lessons learnedfrom active lines of Islamic economic research;• to provide Islamic economic analysis on public policy issues;• to contribute in the field of Islamic banking and finance;• to offer readers an accessible source of state-of-the-art ethical economic thinking;• to suggest directions for future research, provide insights and readings foracademic use; and to address issues related to the practice of Islamic economics,banking and finance.