ISBN: 9781590080788
Author: Jerald F. Dirks
Publisher: amana
Pages: 176 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Both Jewish and Islamic sources relate the story of the first known sin in the universe; i.e.; Satan refusing to obey God s command to bow down to Adam. In the present volume; Dr. Dirks explores both Jewish and Islamic sources on the first sin; compares and contrasts them; and identifies the underlying root cause behind Satan refusing to bow down to Adam; which was arrogance.
Given that arrogance was the character trait that caused Satan to sin; Dr. Dirks next examines what Jewish; Christian; and Islamic scripture and religious writings have had to say about arrogance; pride; and self-conceit. This latter analysis focuses not just upon arrogance in general terms; but also on two specific types of arrogance; i.e.; racial arrogance and religious arrogance. The book then concludes with a survey of what Jewish; Christian; and Islamic scripture have had to say about past civilizations that have been destroyed precisely because of their arrogance.