My Home; My Path- Pocket Edition (2): Female Students of Knowledge (Umm Mujaahid Khadijah Bint Lacina Al-Amreekeeyah)
ISBN: 9781938117374
Author: Umm Mujaahid Khadijah Bint Lacina Al-Amreekeeyah
Publisher: Taalib al-Ilm Educational Resources (August 1; 2012)
Pages: 92 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
This is the second book in this series of pocket editions taken from the large work; “My Home; My Path. Included in this small; easy to use book is the section entitled; “Female Students of Knowledge;” which covers the topics “Advice on Seeking Knowledge and Clarification Regarding the Salafi Da'wah;” “First Meeting with Umm Salamah in Sana'a and Class Schedule in Ma'bar;” “Importance of Seeking Knowledge and Reprint of at-Tabaqaat;” “Parial Schedule of Classes in the Women's Musalaah in the Markaz in Damaaj; Summer 1428/2007;” and “Across the Country: Learning and Living in Shihr in Shihr Fall 1430/2009.”