ISBN: 9781943277285
Author: Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq Bin Abd-Muhsin Al-Badr
Publisher: Maktabatul-Irshad (2015)
Pages: 44 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
The Value of Time in the Muslim's Life
Time is defined in the book as ‘the loftiest and most precious of all primary blessings’ and ‘is the substance of life, the sphere in which man exists, the citadel of his spirit, and his subsistence – him benefiting himself and others’. As many of us know, Allah swears by time in the Qur’aan in Surah Al Asr, so we should ask ourselves that if we are at a loss with time then wouldn’t the intelligent and wise people invest their time in the actions that will outlast his existence in this world? One highlight of this short yet comprehensive treatise is that it can change your perspective of time, so you come to realise the invaluable deed of attaining knowledge as being your goal in life.