ISBN: 9787001201278
Author: Umm Ahmed Salwaa Subki
Publisher: DTSSBC (2013)
Pages: 38 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
This is a small and concise; but has an abundant of benefit for the one who is seeking Jannah (paradise.) The book addresses the Muslim women; but the advice can also be utilized for the Muslim men as well. In these days and times you find many of the Muslims consumed by the Dunya (worldly life); and not preparing themselves for the Aahkirah (the afterlife); you find them chasing the worldly possessions and leaving off the things that will increase their chances of entering the Jannah (paradise.) You also find in this book people who have the belief that there is neither Jannah (paradise); nor Jahannam (hellfire); but at the same time believe in the day of resurrection; what a contradiction! We hope the reader will be encouraged to increase in his or her good deeds; which will assist them in achieving their place in the garden of Paradise