The Autobiography of the Noble Shaykh the Muhaddith Abu Abd al-Rahman Muqbil b. Hadi al-Wadi (Abu al-Hasan Malik al-Akhdar)
Author: Translated by Abu al-Hasan Malik al-Akhdar
Publisher: Al-Rahmaniyyah Press
Pages: 88 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
The autobiography of the noble Shaykh; the Muhaddith; Abu ‘Abd al-Rahman Muqbil b. Hadi al-Wadi'I is a moving account of an extraordinary life. In the book; the Shaykh chronicles his tribe's history; his first efforts at seeking knowledge; his travels to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – where he would study in the Islamic University of Madinah and sit with some of the greatest scholars of the day – and; finally; his return to Yemen to establish his masjid and center. From this center; the Salafi call would spread to every region of his land; and beyond. This brief narrative is related in Shaykh Muqbil's singular voice; which resounds from every page. May Allah have mercy upon its author; grant him the highest reaches of Paradise.
“Indeed; I knew this man for truthfulness; sincerity; modesty; abstinence from worldly things; the correct creed; the sound Salafi methodology; and revision to the truth at the hands of the young or old. Allah blessed his da'wah; thus; the people favored it. He and his students were a great influence on the people of Yemen. This is witnessed by every person of intellect; religion; and justice.”– Al-‘Allamah Rabi b. Hadi al-Madkhali