Explanation Of Al-Qasidah Al-Lamiyah : The Lamiyah Poem Ascribed to Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Shaykh Ahmad al-Najmi)
Author: Shaykh Ahmad al-Najmi
Publisher: Hikmah Publications (2016)
Pages: 75 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
This is a translation of Shaykh A?mad al-Najmi's explanation of al-Qa?idah al-Lamiyah; which is ascribed to Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah. It comprises of only 16 verses of poetry; clarifying a number of core beliefs of Ahl al-Sunnah Wa al-Jama?ah. Thus; it is easy to memorize; and a great starting point for a child or a beginner in knowledge. This poem has a written manuscript in Jami?ah Malik Saud (no. 6/1928); and it is found alongside two other works; al-Wasiyah al-Kubra and al-Adillah al-Bayyinah; both of which are known works of Ibn Taymiyah. It has been mentioned by the Scholar of Iraq; N?uman al-Alusi; in his excellent book Jala al-?Aynayn Li Muhakamah al-A?madayn; and Shaykh ?Abd al-Salam b. Burjis mentioned this poem as being amongst the poetry of Ibn Taymiyah in his work al-?a?i? Min al-Na?m al-Fa?i? Li Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah; and a number of Scholars have explanations of this poem; from them is Shaykh Ahmad al-Mardawi (d. 1236H) written almost two hundred years ago; Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (V) said: “As for Ahl al-Sunnah Wa al-?adith; then it is not known that any of their scholars nor righteous common-folk ever renounced their doctrine and creed. Rather; they were the most patient of the people upon that; even if they were tested with all types of tests and trialed with all types of tribulations.†Naq? al-Man?iq; p. 42.