ISBN: 9781847741011
Author: Nouman Ali Khan
Publisher: Kube Publishing
Pages: 192 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
This collection of essays is disarmingly simple; yet it challenges us to change. To revise our actions; our assumptions and our beliefs so we can be transformed from within; as well as externally.
It aims to help modern Muslims maintain a spiritual connection with Allah and to address the challenges facing believers today: the disunity in the Muslim community; terrorists acting in the name of Islam; and the disconnection with Allah.
These challenges and more are tackled by Nouman Ali Khan; with his profound engagement with the Qur'an; in his trademark voice that is sought out by millions of Muslims on a daily basis.
About the Author
Nouman Ali Khan is a Muslim speaker and the CEO and founder of Bayyinah Institute; an Arabic studies educational institution in the United States. Currently; he is recognized as one of the world's most influential Muslims; not only in the West. His deep and profound bond with the Qur'an; the Muslim holy book; is at the heart of his work and the focus of his teachings; which manage to reach out to millions of Muslims from many different countries.