ISBN: 9789351791515
Author: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Publisher: Goodword Books
Pages: 389
Description from the publisher:
This book consists of 150 short essays; each of which focuses on a particular spiritual value or lesson that the Maulana draws from everyday things and events as well as from nature and history. Even something as ‘mundane' as a tree can help us grow spiritually; he tells us. In the opening page of the book the Maulana writes:
In front of my residence there is a tree […] It is a source of spiritual nourishment for me. For me; it is like a spiritual partner […] The greatest lesson I have learned from this tree is: try to live on your own. Be positive in every situation. Adopt the culture of giving rather than taking […] According to my experience; a tree is an illustration of spiritual life. It is a model for spiritual living.
Or; consider this beautiful spiritual lesson that the Maulana derives from a bee:
It is the honeybee's culture to fly out from its hive every day and reach places where flowers are available for it. The bee extracts nectar from the flower and returns to its abode. It pays no heed to anything else.
Where there are flowers; there are also other things like thorns; but the honeybee simply ignores the presence of those thorns and does not waste time in complaining about them. It simply extracts the nectar from the flowers and returns to the hive.