ISBN: 9756426721
Author: Harun Yahya
Publisher: Global Publishing (February 2006
Pages: 152 Binding: Paperback
Description from the publisher:
Before you finish reading this sentence, approximately one hundred billion (100,000,000,000) operations will have been completed inside your eyes. However fantastic it may seem, you possess an example (two, in fact) of the Universe's ultimate technology.Whatever you have in your life is meaningful through your senses-vision and others. Your family, your house, your office, your friends and everything else in your surroundings, you quickly identify thanks to your vision. Without eyes, you could never get a quick, complete sense of everything that's happening around you. Without them, you could never imagine colors, forms, scenes, human faces, or what the word beauty means. But you do have eyes, and thanks to them, you can now read these printed words before you.Nor does the act of vision cost you very much effort. To see an object, all you have to do is to turn your gaze at it. You don't need to bother giving "project, capture, and analyze" orders to your eyes, the components inside them, the optical nerves running to the back of your brain, nor to the brain itself. You need only look, just like the rest of the billions of creatures who have ever lived on our planet. Without having to work out the optical measurements, your eye's lens can focus onto distant objects. Without needing to accurately compute the precise contractions of various muscles surrounding the lens, you only desire to see, and within a fraction of a second, that process is carried out for you. Like many people, you may never have realized what a miracle it is that thousands of independent processes can operate in a perfect harmony to enable you to see.Nor did you have to struggle to develop a pair of those wonderful instruments. At birth, your eyes came as standard equipment, with free installation and, unless you had a particular defect, in perfect working order.Those who best understand how irreplaceable this blessing is, are people who lose their eyesight later in life. In the possible event that you are struck blind, your long list of lifetime plans and ambitions will be sidelined by just one wish: To regain your lost eyesight.Had you been blind all your life, since birth, and after an operation, you could see all of a sudden, the reverse would be no less dramatic. Without a doubt, no gift in the world would seem more valuable. You would experience no greater happiness than at the moment your bandages were removed, and on the days that followed.God reveals in a verse:Say: "It is He Who brought you into being and gave you hearing, sight and hearts. What little thanks you show!" (Qur'an, 67: 23)EVOLUTION BACK ON THE ROPESHow did such a vital sense like seeing come to be? How could a formerly nonexistent concept-seeing-suddenly appear? Let's generalize the question by widening our scope. How did man come to existence in the first place, complete with his five senses, brains, internal organs, limbs, and with a soul and a functioning body?Anyone with common sense can tell you that life is the work of a superior and flawless creation. Rejecting this clear truth, the theory of evolution, provides "coincidence" as its answer to this question. Evolutionists claim that all living things in this world, past and present, came to evolve through a chain of countless coincidences, with never an original creation to start the process. But this claim defies all laws of logic and science, inasmuch as it's impossible for lifeless matter to create an organism. The theory of evolution tries to explain the universe's flawless nature through coincidental happenings, but science has been proven it wrong in every way. Scientific proof has shown not only how evolutionary claims are unreasonable and unscientific, but also, has revealed how evolutionists have forged their evidence. Science has demonstrated that life cannot possibly be explained through coincidences, since it is the work of a superior design. The Creator of this flawless design is God, Who created the entire universe.Despite this unavoidable truth, today 's dominant academic establishments and media conglomerates collaborate in a joint effort to uphold the theory of evolution. Their standard technique is to issue a news bulletin that some recently excavated skull proudly provides a link heretofore missing of the grand evolutionary chain. Not only are there any evolutionary chains to complete, but the excavations do not reveal anything closely resembling the long-awaited figments of evolutionists' imagination-such as the half-fish, half-reptile or the half-reptile, half-bird. Yet their press-release hype leaves the impression that evolution as a whole has been already proven, except for a few random details regarding the lineage from ape to human.Of course, there is a reason behind the evolutionists' constant emphasis on excavating skulls. Throughout the history of the world, there have been thousands of species of ape, of all shapes and sizes, of which 97 per cent are now extinct. It is simple child's play to array the skulls of extinct apes on a long table according to cranial volume or one structural characteristic and declare this lineup to be "the evolutionary chain joining ape and man." The evolutionist's basic toolkit consists of fossil forgeries, false lineages, and creative drawings of ape-men that have little to do with scientific evidence.In reality, evolution's supposedly strong progression crumbles at its beginning stage of microbiology. The most probing questions about the emergence of complex structures again fall on deaf ears. No wonder the evolutionists avoid discussing these fundamental subjects, except occasionally by pretending to explain them by piling up numerous technical details that, in the aggregate, hardly constitute an answer.The eye, the subject of this book, is one of those organs of the body that have kept evolutionists on the ropes ever since Darwin, who himself confessed, "I remember well the time when the thought of the eye made me cold all over."1 A close examination of the eye's structure and functions will make it clear why evolutionists have felt compelled to avoid it. The eye's complex structure has several distinct components and systems. An amazing scope of distinctly different functions is realized individually, but only as a result of harmonious cooperation between all of these components and systems. If even one of them is missing or fails to cooperate, the eye can't perceive images. This is a Catch 22 for the evolutionists, who hold that all body parts have emerged gradually by themselves. That the eye can only function as a whole only when all its every system and component are present and intact rules out any such gradual formation.To illustrate this crucial point, let us give a true-life example. An eyeball that does not secrete teardrops to lubricate itself will dry up and eventually go blind. Tears, with their antiseptic properties, also protect the eye against microbes. The evolutionists do not even want to consider the fundamental question of how the eye, which would desiccate within hours without tear secretion, could have persisted for millions of years before tear glands had yet to emerge via the evolutionary progression. For the evolutionist camp, insult is added to injury when they must account for the fact that for the eye to accomplish its function, it requires a full body, intact with its systems and organs-components and tissues such as the cornea, retina, conjunctiva, iris, pupil, lens, choroid, eyelid, and the eye muscles. In addition, vision requires the brain's complex visual area and the amazing neural networks connecting the eye to the brain. All of these subsystems feature structures that are far too complex and specialized to have ever emerged by chance.Of these components, if only one-the lens, for example-were missing, the eye would become a useless lump of tissue. Again, it would again be rendered useless if any two of them-for example, the pupil and the lens, exchanged places. In short, the eye's structure is the result of a very special planning. These components' harmonious coexistence and cooperation, which are impossible to have appeared by themselves as a result of accidents, have one single valid and logical explanation: Each of the eye's components is created with supreme intelligence, which belongs to God.Accepting such an obvious truth is the first step that leads to a person's eternal life. This book, along with displaying the truth of creation, intends to guide you in taking those steps towards your salvation.