ICO Islamic Studies : Grade 5; Part 1 Activity Text Book (Addae; Ajam; Al-Drouby; Baker; Feltman; Hassan; Jeena; and Samodien) (fka Workbook)
ISBN: 9786038059135
Author: Addae; Ajam; Al-Drouby; Baker; Feltman; Hassan; Jeena; and Samodien
Publisher: International Curricula Organization (2009)
Pages: 168 Binding: Paperback 8.25 x 11 x 0.25'
Description from the publisher:
There are three different books for each grade:
1) The Student's Book 2) The Activity Book; and 3) The Teacher's Manual
There are five content areas:
1) 'Aqeedah (Islamic doctrine); 2) The Glorious Qur'an and its sciences; 3) Seerah (Biography of the Prophet) and Islamic History; 4) 'Ibaadaat (Worship); and 5) Morals and manners
This level commences with lessons in 'aqeedah about the implications of imitating others. It also includes a discussion about the signs of Allah (swt) which provide proof of His Oneness. In this grade; learners will recite the 28th Juz' and memorize Soorat Al-Qiyaamah and Soorat Al-Muddaththir. The Seerah lessons deal with the Hijrah and the life of 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab (ra). Students will learn about wiping over the socks and other materials such as bandages and plasters. The most significant aspects of Jumu'ah Salah; the status of Zakah; and the adhkaar said before going to sleep and upon awakening are discussed as well. The final lessons in this book cover the significance of good friends and the danger of bad ones. The material is presented; using a spiral approach; where students revisit each area and study it in greater depth each year. The Activity Book engages the student in additionalactivities on the same lessons dealt with in the Student's Textbook. Thedifference is that the activities in the Activity Book are more analysis - and- synthesis based; than simple recall type activities. There is also a morepractical aspect aligned to activities in the Activity Book.