ISBN: 0955331307
Author: S.E. Al-Djazairi
Publisher: The Institute of Islamic History (2006)
Pages: 370 Binding: Hardcover w/ Dust Jacket
Description from the publisher:
The revelation of the Qur'an was a turning point in the history of man on this Earth. The Mission of the Messenger (Mercy to the Worlds) accompanied by the Qur'an (Guides to that which is most right) has made a unique difference to the life of man. It transformed him from an ignorant being to a learned one.How did Islam arrive, and what were the first important events of Islamic history? Was Islam spread by the sword?What happened to the millions of Muslims in Spain?These and many other questions are answered in this book.Islamic History, however, like other subjects related to Islam, has been written by, and taught from, non Muslim sources. This has led to a considerable number of misconceptions and distortions.This book seeks to reclaim Islamic history from such distortions.This book narrates the History of Islam a very interesting and accurate manner.