The Inevitable Journey Part 1: Sickness : Regulations & Exhortations : 2nd Edition (Muhammad al-Jibaly)
ISBN: 1891229788
Author: Muhammad al-Jibaly
Publisher: Al-Kitaab and As-Sunnah Publishing 2nd Edition (2003)
Pages: 296 Binding: Hardcover
Description from the publisher: This book is the first in the series. It deals with sickness, which continues to afflict human beings from birth until death. Sickness strikes as light as a simple cold or allergy, and as hard as a plague or cancer. It keeps the human being under check, reminding him of his weakness and giving him a chance to turn to the One who possesses to afflict and cure. This book deals with sickness, its regulations, and lessons associated with it. It presents the Islamic stand toward a number of modern medical issues, and also discusses important regulations relating to those with disabilities.
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This book is part of the Inevitable Journey Series, a 4-book series dealing with the inevitable journies including human ailments, death, the intermediate life in al-Barzakh, and sleep & dreams.
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